Monday, February 28, 2011

We Want Pre-Nup!

To quote one of the great poets of our time Kanye West...18 years, 18 years, She got one of yo' kids,  got you for 18 years.  I love this song my Kanye so I had to quote it since it seemed so appropriate for the occasion.
Saturday was hubby and I's 18th anniversary.  Where has the time gone??  It seems like only yesterday I was a baby walking down the aisle knowing that I was in love with the person who stood before me at the front of the church. But wondering how it was all going to work out for us.
 The past 18 years has been better than I could have ever imagined and I could have never predicted the twists and turns our relationship would take during our marriage.  I wish I could tell you it has all been sunshine and roses.  Our love for each has seen some very high peaks and some very low valleys.  But, it is during the low times that I have learned more about Hubby and even more about myself.
I sit back sometimes and think I don't know if there is anyone else in this world who could understand me as much as Hubby does and how he gets me. 
I love you Hubby!  I can't wait to celebrate this weekend when you make it home.  Love you!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Take it outside!

Today, I attended a wonderful day at The University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) Counselor Day and toured their new Forensic Science Center and several other programs on campus.  UCO knows how to treat school counselors and every school in attendance received a $1,000 scholarship for one of their deserving students who will attend UCO.  What a great way to honor counselors and our schools.
I had an awesome time until the end of the day when I was in my last session.  A school counselor's OBNOXIOUS ring tone went off while Dr. Bryan Duke (one of my fav professors) was speaking.  Instead of apologizing and turning his phone off or onto silent he picked up the phone and answered it!  Thank goodness the person on the other end of the line had already hung up.  He then put the cell phone back into his pocket and we all thought that was over until five seconds later the OBNOXIOUS ring tone went off again.  Once again he picked up the phone and answered it!  I had an out of body experience and I leaned up to the counselor and gently told him he should really take it outside in the hall.  He was sitting right by the door and probably only had to take two steps to be outside the classroom.  I looked around and everyone sitting beside me all leaned over and thanked me.
Where have our manners gone???  I will be the first to admit I love my iPhone and I usually have it near me.   But, the first thing I did when I entered the Counselor Day today was to turn my cell phone on silent.   It is a common courtesy and respectful for those who are hosting you.  I realize we all sometimes forget to turn it on silent.  But, to answer it the second time while the professor was speaking was beyond my belief.
Lately, I have come to have a low tolerance for those who talk on their phone while grocery shopping when the store is packed and they aren't paying attention to what is going on around them.   Can we not stay off of them long enough to do our grocery shopping?  I have been guilty of calling home to ask if we have staple items (coffee creamer) that I want to make sure and buy but then I put the phone away and finish my shopping.
As adults how can we expect our children to use their manners and be respectful if we can't as adults?  We must first set the example if we expect them to follow.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why Adventures of a Girl Named Blue?

I am a little late jumping into the blogging scene and trying to find a name that wasn't taken was an adventure!  So, I finally remembered this title.  Daughter #2 daughter has the middle name of Blue.  It was a compromise between my husband and myself when we named her(that's a whole other story for another involves a purple cow).
Amy Wynn Pastor
When she was about 4 years old the show Trading Spaces on TLC had just started to air.   We had recently moved to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and I was getting to stay at home with her so this show was one we both liked to watch in the afternoon.  The original carpenter was Amy Wynn Pastor.  Blue thought this was awesome that a girl was a carpenter and could build things.  She even went as Amy Wynn Pastor for Halloween.  Then, this started her fascination with Bob the Builder.   I believe my parents bought her the whole Bob the Builder tool set for Christmas.  Most 4 year old girls want baby dolls, dress-up stuff, etc but not Blue.
This began the dreaming of a children's book about a girl who has all sorts of adventures because she doesn't do "typical" girl stuff.  Her mind is wide open to new adventures and new places and all of the fun she has and she has the cool name Blue.
Even now, Blue isn't your typical teenager.  I love that about her!   She isn't a crowd follower and is confident in who she is.  She has learned that not following the crowd is sometimes lonely...
My blog's name is a reflection of of all the adventures you can have when you learn it is OK to be just the way God made you and be confident in who you are....something I am still learning as I am nearing my 40's!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My First Post!

I can't believe I finally gave in and created my own blog but after you have been snowed in for 4 days and have had two kids sick with the stomach flu you go a little stir crazy.  Welcome, and enjoy!
